The largest stadiums in the United States are capable of holding up to 100,000 people, which is larger than many towns. Hosting events of this magnitude requires the best indoor and outdoor illumination possible, and below are some reasons why LED lighting for stadiums is the best option.

They Save Money And Power

Studies reveal that LEDs use 75% less energy when compared to traditional illumination. Given the huge size of stadiums and the fact that many sporting events are held after dark, switching to LEDs can save tens of thousands at minimum, and probably much more for major events.

They Are Easier to Control

When illuminating a sporting event, LEDs provide far greater control than traditional light sources. For instance, depending on the type of system you install, it might be possible to alter things such as the colors or they can be programmed to behave in interesting ways that create excitement among spectators.

They Have Superb Longevity

There is simply no comparison between traditional lights and LEDs. Research shows that the typical LED bulb can last 25 times longer than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. This reduces the time, energy, and money needed to replace lighting in stadiums which is a big deal given their size, and as previously stated you’ll save on energy costs.

But there is a secondary benefit that is just as important, and that is safety. Changing lights in stadiums can be tedious and even dangerous. It requires professional contractors that must use equipment such as bucket trucks and if they’re not careful they might damage the field itself.

They Offer Superior Broadcasting

Stadiums that are situated in close proximity to regional news stations will attract reporters during major events, and televising is much easier with LEDs due to their clear and crisp illumination that adds professionalism to broadcasters.

LEDs are so intense that they enhance the ability of digital devices and cameras to capture events in higher contrast, making the players and spectators stand out more. The reason for this is because LEDs are directional, meaning that unlike traditional bulbs they do not project illumination in 360 degrees. This results in greater clarity.

They Don’t Generate Excessive Heat

Before LEDs came along, both professional athletes and entertainers of all kinds would often sweat profusely during their performances, and this was partly the result of the hot lights above them.

Traditional fluorescent and incandescent bulbs become so hot that they will burn any skin that comes into physical contact with them, and can start fires if exposed to flammable materials. LEDs on the other hand are so safe that you can touch them with your bare hands without fear of being burned.

They Are Widely Available

Due to the many advantages highlighted above, LEDs continue to phase out traditional light bulbs. While there are still uses for traditional bulbs such as operating in ovens and other high-temperature environments that LEDs can’t handle due to their sensitive electronics, LEDs have become the standard for most modern applications.